wholistic medicine for women entrepreneurs seeking peak performance

The success of your business is directly tied to your health

As an Internal Medicine Physician, I was trained to look for disease and prescribe medication. But when I became an Entrepreneur & learned the ‘Root-Cause’ approach of functional medicine with Wholistic treatments, I found the keys to CREATING HEALTH. 


Balance Your Hormones & Effectively Lead Your Team Like a Grounded & Conscious CEO


Fix Your Sleep & Have Epic Energy That Would Even Make An Introvert Enthusiastic About In-Person Networking


Re-Connect To Your Self & Re-Ignite The Fire in Your Heart That Fuels You Toward Living Your Purpose As a Trailblazer

“Dr. Liana just gets it.. she gets the female body & has an intuition above & beyond anything I’ve ever come across in the Health & Wellness Space”


Jenna Richardson, CEO of One Rich Life

If you value FREEDOM, let’s partner together & ensure your health contributes to Achieving & Sustaining Your SUCCESS

IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Physician

Hey!! I’m dr. liana

I am ALL about FREEDOM, CONNECTION TO SELF & FUN. My journey as an Entrepreneur has taken me to the depths of burnout that I wish for no one to ever know. When I realized that ‘truly’ loving ME is the key to unlock high-performance.. my life took off. I previously stayed physically ill longer than necessary when I realized I was wrapped up in ‘hustle culture’ from the business circles I was immersed in. I was attempting to ‘personal growth my way out’ of fatigue, low energy, depression and weight gain. The gaslighting from that culture was so strong that even as a Doctor, I had bypassed my own symptoms of Mold & Mycotoxin Illness, & Mitochondrial Dysfunction that led to Metabolic issues like weight gain, high cortisol and a low-functioning thyroid.

Let me save you the stress of going to another Doctor who is solely going to give you a short term fix and tell YOU - a high-functioning Woman - to go home and decrease stress in your life. Because, let’s face it, the only thing we can control is ourselves, and how we react & respond to Life. So let’s get you feeling more you than YOU, and living in a high vibe state of authenticity to show up in Life & Business like the Fierce Woman you are.

A Wholistic Approach is the missing key to unlock your high performance in both business & life…

How to start

get on my calendar babe.

I am located in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL and you must be a Florida resident to see me. Once we decide to work together, you get access to my physical location calendar & schedule.

First things first.. In order for me to know how to help you, I’ve gotta first hear what’s going on with you. Getting on a Root-Cause Consult with me will flesh out the surface level things we need to break through. PLUS it will give me an idea of what a trajectory would look like if we worked together to go all in on recovering YOU.

Because I trained in conventional AND functional medicine, as well as a Success Coach, rest assured, I see things from a Wholistic POV, have a ton of tools in my toolbox and abundant network of experts on speed dial.

Once you book, you’ll get a notification to complete a comprehensive symptom questionnaire that helps me to identify and prioritize potential imbalances. And besides that, since I have been a Practice Success Coach for Peak Performance.… I can’t help myself but dive into your belief systems and wildest dreams - so that together we can craft a beautiful vision of what it looks like to get you to perform at your peak on the daily.

This is a one-time introductory offer.  Medical Services beyond this consult are by application and range from $297 - $25,000

bingeworthy content

bingeworthy content

Nervous System Regulation | Bio-tuning

Seriously Juicy & Not Too Sciencey


Hi! I'm Liana, a Physician & CEO, currently living in sunny Florida by the beach. My online practice is geared towards helping Entrepreneurs perform at their Peak. I also a co-own a busy Integrative Medical Practice named PEAK Integrative Medicine that infuses functional medicine at the Primary Care Level.

You can tune in to my Internationally top-ranked Podcast called 'Sustain Your Success' where I talk all things Nervous System Regulation & life for Entrepreneurs.